April 30, 2009

The Storm

The Storm

It comes without any justification, to utter you much devastation
It is much like a thief in the night, to stomp out your glimmer of light.
It comes without warning or alarm, to do nothing but bring you harm
It comes to greet you ready or not, to act out its fiendish plot.

The storm came in a great big wave; you survived it because you were brave.
The storm caused you much pain; you fought against it because you had much to gain.
The storm came at the wrong time in your life; you fought hard to lessen its strife.
The storm did deliver you some damage, but because you were strong you were able to manage.

The night has fallen and morning has come.
The storm is over and I can see the light.
Next time is comes, I will be ready for the fight.

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