April 27, 2009

My Journey

Today I have reached a milestone in my life. I have more years behind me that I may have before me. I do not know what God has in store for me but I know that being able to see forty years is a huge deal. We all can look back and say that we might have a lost a son, a daughter, a mother, a father, a sister or a brother or another. Some of us have reached forty and some of us have yet to get there. If you have crossed this bridge before me than you are truly blessed and if you have not I hope you have the chance to experience this rite of passage.

In my forty years I have experienced great pain and great joy. Great sorrow and great happiness. Great weakness and great strength. I bear many scars both inner and outer during my forty years. I thank God today for allowing me to see forty. My high school yearbook bears this quote that I believe has been a testament on how I lived through failures and through triumphs “Life is something to cherish not to waste, so take every opportunity to succeed and make it great.” Despite it all I still stand tall and my wounds have healed. I look back over my life without any regrets. I would not change the road that I have traveled, because when my road lead me the wrong way I had the strength and conviction to know when to travel another way. I did not settle for mediocrity I pushed on to achieve greatness.

I still have more chapters in my book of life to write. I still have more experiences to encounter. My hope is that through it all I have learned and grown through love, hope and faith. Through my walk I have learned how to be a better a mother, a wife, and more importantly a better person.

I want to thank all my Facebook friends both new and old. I want to thank all my family members who I have reacquainted with. I want to thank all the new family members I have had the esteemed pleasure of getting to know. I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of my life story and ask that you continue on my journey whether long or short as I strive to continue on the make my mark in this great wo

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